Internal organs of our body are covered with a very thin layer of tissues called as mesothelium. Mesothelioma is the cancer of this thin layer of tissues. In 80% of the cases the main cause of mesothelioma is the exposure to asbestos. Approximately 3000 cases are diagnosed with mesothelioma annually in the USA alone.
Peppers: New Mesothelioma Treatment |
Mesothelioma Treatment - Peppers! (Latest Research)
Although there are many options available for mesothelioma treatment but according to the latest researches, it has been found that it may be possible to treat mesothelioma by Peppers!!!These peppers include both Long Pepper and the chilly pepper. A report from the researchers of UT Southwestern medical center says, that the long pepper has the capability to silence the GSTP1 Gene found in tumors in high level according to a Jan. 3 article in EurekaAlert.
‘Activity’ has been shown in some cancers that include lung, breast and colon by Piperlongumine (PL), a chemical found in the pepper.
In future it would be possible to improve the potency of Piperlongumine to fight with wide range of cancers. Like other types of cancers, the mesothelioma also has the tendency to develop resistance to standard treatments. So it’s important to keep on finding new ways to treat the mesothelioma.
Apart from this, according to a Jan. 2 article in Medical News Today (MNT), there is another research being conducted on the chilli peppers, to discover new ways for the treatment of mesothelioma. According to the researchers from Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, chilli pepper has a compound known as capsaicin that can be useful in treating the mesothelioma patients. The capsaicin has been known to kill cancer cells and stop its growth; in some cancers, killed tumor cells. It also helped in limiting the metastasis in triple-negative breast cancer.
It is very expensive and difficult to cure mesothelioma. In most of the cases mesothelioma is caused due to the exposure to asbestos, which is because of the negligence of the asbestos manufactures and employers towards safety measures.
So it is important to hire a good mesothelioma lawyer to get the compensation for the losses. By choosing a good mesothelioma lawyer, you can get the highest amount of compensation for your case.
So by keeping in mind all these problems and sufferings associated with mesothelioma, let’s hope for the success of this new research for the treatment of various kinds of cancers including mesothelioma.
This article provides general information about mesothelioma and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor for personalized advice.
This article provides general information about mesothelioma and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor for personalized advice.
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